This project implements a basic server & client application in Node.js
server.js: The server is listening on 'http://localhost:3000' and is connected to a redis database. It receives an user-name from the client, check in the redis database, if exists, response with 'Hello user-name(in upper case)' else with 'Oops...'.
client.js: Creates a, which connects to the server and sends an user-name to check if it exists in the redis database.
createDatabase.js: If a key named 'user' exists in the 'redis-server', it deletes it and creates a new set named 'user' with 8000 user-name.
loadTester.js: Code for load testing manually. It creates a new client at a given rate and prints number of connected clients every seconds.
my-script.yaml: Script for load testing with 'artillery'. It starts with creating (arrivalRate = ) 200 clients per second to (rampTo = ) 10000 clients per second. 'functions.js' is used to create a random user-name for each clients that it creates. It also generates reports as 'report.json' and 'report.html' format.
How to use
- Start a redis server at default port. (Head over here if you are new in redis)
- Run
npm i redis bluebird async-redis
- Run
npm run database
to prepare the database. - Run
npm run server
to start the server. - Run
npm run loadtester
to load test manually. - Run
npm run client
to connect a single client. - Run
npm install -g artillery
to install Artillery. (Only works for node.js version >= 12) - Run
artillery dino
to test if artillery is working. - Run
artillery run --output report.json my-script.yaml
to load test and generate report on report.json. - Run
artillery report --output report.html report.json
to generate graphical report.