We can send location from Google Maps in chat. To get maps to work you need to follow the steps below.
Step 1 : Open [Google Cloud Console](https://console.cloud.google.com/)
**Step 1 :** Open [Google Cloud Console](https://console.cloud.google.com/)
Step 2 : Create a new app if you don't have one or just go to step 3
**Step 2 :** Create a new app if you don't have one or just go to step 3
Step 3 : [Enable maps api](https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/openapi/enable-api) and configure it with your application id and keystore. They will give an API key for maps.
**Step 3 :** [Enable maps api](https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/openapi/enable-api) and configure it with your application id and keystore. They will give an API key for maps.
Step 4: Put the api key is your string file like example below.
**Step 4:** Put the api key is your string file like example below.
`<string name="google_maps_key" translatable="false">AIzaSyAHBzDHJdltyt0eL_fzi34OkdskoiIBSk8E</string>`
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